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Nominee's Details
Sponsor's (ie: Nominator) Details
Please let us know why your nominee deserves to be the 2024 YIP of the Year:

(please refer to the What the Selection Panel is looking for section of the criteria and overview at the bottom of the page)

Thanks for submitting!

YIP of the Year Award
Criteria and Overview

We are proud to announce the opening of nominations for the Ninth Annual Young Insurance Professional of the Year Award.


Below is an outline of the nomination process – what is looked for, what is to be avoided, and how the selection process will take place. We wish the best of luck to all nominees - the decision will not be easy!


Who is eligible?


  • Insurance or related industry professionals

  • Under the age of 40

  • Work and reside in the Greater Toronto Area


What is the Selection Panel looking for?

Listed in order of importance:

Demonstration of Industry Involvement

  • Individuals who demonstrate the values of YIPT’s mission to build and connect Toronto’s insurance community

  • Individuals with a track record of attending industry events

  • Individuals showing a dedication to fostering a sense of community within Toronto's insurance industry, and specifically within Toronto's young insurance community

  • Individuals dedicated to getting their peers involved in the insurance community


Career Accomplishments

  • Accomplishments within the individual’s company

  • Accomplishments within the industry

  • Added weight is given to accomplishment that are recent (within the last year)

  • Added weight is given to accomplishments achieved at a younger age



  • Reputation and solid rapport with coworkers and industry professionals

  • Added weight for testimonials


Community Participation

  • Individuals who have given back to their communities via volunteer work, charitable cause, etc.

  • Added weight should be given to those whose contributions are more recent (within the last year)


What should be avoided?


  • The purpose of this award is not to solicit nominations

  • Nominations should be made on their own merit


Short Nominations

  • Nominations of less than 150 words will hold little weight

  • Quality over Quantity will be the main factor in the decision-making process



  • You must be nominated by your peers – self-nominations will not be accepted


How will the decision be made?

Selecting the Finalists

  • All nominations received will be reviewed in full by the YIPT Member Engagement Committee

  • The criteria set forth herein will serve as the basis of this review process with the following noted as key criteria:

    • The quality of nominations received will outweigh the number of nominations received, but both will be considered 


Selecting the Winner

  • The nomination profile for each finalist will be presented to an independent Selection Panel

  • This Panel will be comprised of past YIPotY winners, representatives from other Toronto based insurance bodies, and representatives of YIPT's executive team

  • Each member of the Selection Panel will rank the 6 finalists – 1 being their winning selection, 2 being the runner up, and so on

  • A point value will be given to each ranking (1st = 6, 2nd = 5, 3rd = 4, 4th = 3, 5th = 2, 6th = 1)

  • The points for each finalist will be added up and the one with the most points will be considered the 2024 Young Insurance Professional of the Year


What is the prize?

The 2024 YIP of the Year will receive​

  • Engraved YIP of the Year Plaque

  • A press release announcing the winner and highlighting what made them YIP of the Year

  • Gift Cards and other prizes (value of over ~$200)



NOTE: only the most compelling cases will be considered for our selection of finalists. The more details you are able to provide in your nomination, the better chance your nominee has of being selected.


A lot of individuals get nominated each year however only a select few get the recognition they so much deserve.


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